Event Data Recorder Download Services
This is a partial list of how we can assist you. Please contact our office if you have any specific questions.
Heavy Vehicles (including Detroit Diesel, CAT, Mack and Cummins engines)
Many heavy trucks on the road store a wealth of valuable data such as ‘hard stops,’ loss of coolant, and low oil pressure. Recorded data is not relegated only to the incident in question but sometimes for many minutes leading up to the event. This data can sometimes reveal indirect, but related events in the sequence of events.
Passenger Vehicles (including Kia, Hyundai and Subaru)
Since 2016, about 99% of the vehicles on the road have downloadable data. We are able to retrieve, view and apply the results of EDR data to the accident event in question. We can also perform bench downloads (with the EDR removed from the vehicle).
Visit this page to see a listing of all passenger vehicle makes available to us.
Do you have already have access to data downloaded by someone else?
We can help interpret what the dataset reveals or identify if a third-party analysis is accurate. If a download is not performed with the latest software and hardware, errors in interpretation could result in faulty conclusions. McNally & Associates always analyzes the data with the latest version of the software component currently available.